The MERP Product Catalog is the source of the item description links on this page. It's a fabulous index to MERP!
Note: As with all game systems, the Core Rule books come in different editions. It is entirely possible for a Seller to mis-list under the wrong edition.

Middle-earth Role Playing (1st edition)
Buy at Amazon

Middle-earth Role Playing (1st edition, revised)
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MERP Combat Screen (1st edition)
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MERP (2nd edition)
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MERP Accessory Pack (2nd edition)
Buy at Amazon

Middle-Earth Role Playing: Combat Screen & Reference Sheets
Buy at Amazon

All MERP products Copyright © TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHANDISING INC., Berkely CA. Middle-earth PBM, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Return of the King, all characters and places therein are trademark properties of TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES. All characters and places derived from the works of J.R.R.Tolkien are common law trademarks used under license from Grafton Books (Harper Collins), publishing successors to Unwin Hyman, Ltd. and George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, UK.
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