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Morrow Project - Timeline

TimeLine is the publisher.
Also from Timeline: Close & Destroy ~ Time & Time Again
See Also: Aftermath ~ Twilight 2000 ~ Tri Tac Games


The Morrow Project
This post-holocaust RPG dates all the way back to 1980, written by Kevin Dockery, Robert Sadler, and Richard Tucholka. A pleasingly hard-science theme permeates the game, which was well ahead of its time.

"In 1962, a man by the name of Bruce Edward Morrow, origin unknown, gathered nine of the country's leading industrialists into an organization known as The Council of Tomorrow. What method of coercion he may have used to achieve this feat remains a matter mostly for conjecture. The consensus of noted historians indicates that Morrow was a rare form of esper. He seemed to have possessed the ability to transport himself and some small amount of nearby matter into or out of the future. Building a convincing argument from the future, he and the council structured an organization dedicated to the continued survival of the human race beyond the point of destruction.

This organization brought forth the concept of the Morrow Project; an ambitious plan to cryogenically freeze special teams and equipment to aid in the reconstruction of the U.S. after nuclear war. For many years the Project secretly stored their teams to await the proper time for reawakening. Gradually their processes improved and their equipment became more advanced. In 1979, Morrow returned from a long absence bearing a small device which proved to be a functioning fusion power plant and advanced laser technology. In 1987, the Project carried out a complete updating of all the previously "stored" equipment, opening the buried and sealed chambers of the sleepers without waking them and leaving behind new equipment, vehicles, and the instruction manuals on how to operate them.

The prime central base of the Morrow Project is a vast underground complex designed to sustain the lives of some one hundred and fifty people through the holocaust as they recorded the data linked with the war. Also to act as a central communications point for the rest of the Project when they should wake. So thorough was their recording that this base remains as the only comprehensive source of information on pre-war times. A few teams ventured out from Prime Base on reconnaissance missions shortly after the end of the war, and they soon found they could establish a viable community. It looked as if the mission of the Project was going to be completed without a hitch, but such good fortune was not to be theirs. A small war with a madman named Krell resulted in the destruction of the colony by a nuclear bomb and the loss of Prime Base to biological sabotage.

With their control base inoperative the Morrow teams continued to sleep for 150 years. When their long-delayed wake-up signal was finally sent by a damaged computer they found themselves in a hostile world. Survival was the key word for most of the remnants of the battered US.

This is the world of the Morrow Project as it runs in this game. The personnel of the Project are all well trained, but they are not combat veterans, nor do they engage in wholesale slaughter. Pledged to help humanity recover in whatever way they can, they can easily lose sight of their own ideals and adopt the brutal code of survival. They must find Prime Base and each other in order to survive. Will your team survive?"
Introduction from the 1980 rulebook

Morrow Project rulebook (TM 1-1)

The images are of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions.

"The year is 1989. As the civilized countries of the world exchange gifts of nuclear missiles, the small volunteer population of the Morrow Project sleep far away from the blossoming nuclear fireballs in a deep dreamless winter. These few people, long prepared for the holocaust which rages around them, await the time when their ever-watchful machines will awaken them. They expect the time of their cold sleep to be a mere three or four years but everything had gone well right up to the war and it was now that the infamous Murphy shifted the gears. The "cryonauts" sleep on for one hundred and fifty years before their delinquent machines finally restore them. One hundred and fifty years of eroding culture and technology; one hundred and fifty years of fall-out boosted mutations; one hundred and fifty years of dog-eat-dog survival."

1980, 1981, 1984 ... Kevin Dockery & Robert Sadler & Richard Tucholka ... 66 pages

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1st and 2nd Editions
3rd Edition

Morrow Project, 4th Edition
2014 ... 328 pages (Hardcover) ... ISBN 0976604345

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Liberation at Riverton (R-001)
"Morrow Project Recon Team F-17 awakens to chaos. They have no orders, only the equipment on hand and no help. Their area of operations is under the control of a band of ruthless "soldiers". The team must attempt to overthrow a tyranny that has gone on for 150 years...
This game package contains all the information, maps, and systems the Project Director would need to run this scenario. The package is designed for use by beginning players. The package also contains detailed information on the M60 Battle Tank, the interior of the V150 w/20mm and Bolt Hole, as well as a detailed Combat Damage System for armored vehicles."

1982 ... 43 pages

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Damocles (R-002)
"A sparkling white, frigid desert. The relaxing fellowship of a cedar sauna. The eerie, subterranean morgue of Project Damocles. Recon Team G-9 will experience all of this and more when they enter the post-holocaust world of the Morrow Project in the Damocles game module."

1982 ... H.N. Voss ... 40 pages

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Operation Lucifer (R-003)

"In an area of over 20,000 square miles, Recon Team G-5 is racing against time to locate an undetonated Soviet nuclear warhead. The warhead must be located before it goes off; or before it is captured by the lead units of the Krell advance."

1982 ... D. Patrick Beckfield & H.N. Voss ... 36 pages

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Ruins of Chicago (R-004)
"Recon Team G-12C must enter the nightmare world of the ruins of Chicago in order to locate the remains of a once proud university. Within the wreckage of the university there may lie the accumulated knowledge of our world. But also within Chicago are cannibalistic clans; a City Machine; and the enigmatic Fort Morrow. And finally, Recon Team G-12C must stop a war.
This game package contains all of the information, maps and systems necessary for the Project Director to run this scenario. The package also includes information concerning new weapons, the interior of the Commando Ranger, city encounters for Chicago, and the deadly inhabitants of 22nd century Chicago."

1983 ... Bill Worzel ... 39 pages

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Starnaman Incident (R-005)

"One hundred and fifty years ago the people of Starnaman fought a bloody war of liberation. For over ten years they struggled against a reign of terror. Team H-9 finds itself enmeshed in a legend of horror and hatred passed down to people that they do not know. Worst of all, neither the legend nor the evidence makes any sense..."

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Operation Lonestar (R-006)
"For those of you who have been wanting a War... The members of Combined MARS and Science Team 13 enter a world of storm and slaughter to try and accomplish an impossible mission. They find themselves in a desperate, last-ditch battle against merciless savages. Buffeted by a killer storm, in a land filled with refugees, they join the Last Cavalry Unit in the fight for survival.
This game package contains all of the information, maps and systems necessary for the Project Director to run this scenario. The package also includes information concerning new weapons, M1A1 Main Battle Tank, M2 Bradley APC, T-72 MBT, BMP APC, MARS and Science Air Cushion Vehicles, the mobile science lab and computer on board the new ACV, and more."

1985 ... 39 pages

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Desert Search (R-007)
"Somewhere in the wind swept Nevada desert is the Morrow Project power station. Recon Team N-2 must find it and find it fast before it is captured by a mysterious group known only as the Syen. To do this they must search some of the most inhospitable land in North America, sift through the rubble of the 20th century and fight on when all hope is gone. At stake is not only the first Morrow Project power station, but the lives of their comrades still asleep and defenseless before the coming onslaught.
This game package contains all of the information, maps and systems necessary for the Project Director to run this scenario. It includes information concerning new weapons, the V-150 TOW vehicle, details on the TOW weapons system, the power station, the all new Morrow Project Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) and more."

1986 ... Joseph Benedetto, jr. & H.N. Voss ... 39 pages

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Prime Base (R-008)
"This module contains a complete description of Prime Base and its environment including maps, room-by-room descriptions, new equipment, complete play of the game for the Base and more. It has a history of the Base up to and including its final days. Everything is included for the Project Director to run the biggest Morrow Project module produced to date."


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Bullets and Bluegrass (R-009)
"When MARS Team K-98 wakes to their bolthole alarm, they know they must act quickly or die. They face an awesome challenge against a well-equipped foe to rescue their comrades from death and worse. To make it hard, the hostages are kept in a secure spot which the Team must find and break into before its too late. Can they do the job before they are discovered and hunted down by a merciless enemy?"

1987, 1990 ... 44 pages

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Final Watch (R-010)
"Combined Team Seattle's Mission was to help the survivors of Seattle rebuild the shattered remains of their city. Command Team UC-1C hadn't bargained on what had happened to the city after the passage of 150 years. They were even less prepared for the threat of annihilation to the Morrow Project, which they faced alone in the fog of the Pacific Northwest.
This game package contains all of the information, maps and systems necessary for the Project Director to run this scenario. The package includes information concerning new weapons, the Commando Ranger Mobile Command Post vehicle, a Morrow Project Communications Base and more."

1991 ... Joseph Benedetto Jr & W.P. Worzel ... 44 pages

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Fall Back! (R-011)
"The army of the Kentucky Free State is on the move. The Morrow Agriculture Base TA-14 and its team A-60 are in their path. As a member of MARS team C-13, you have to fight a series of rear-guard actions to delay the Free State army. If you are successful and very lucky, Agriculture team A-60 will have enough time to evacuate the base and surrounding civilians. If you fail many will die, and the Morrow Project will lose important assets that will help rebuild the country."

2003 ... John L. Duke ... 44 pages

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American Outback (R-012)
"The War that brought so much death to America touched even the remotest corners of the United States, including the sagebrush country in the heart of the American West ... but the American Outback had always been a lonely, barren land where people had to be tough to survive. And survive they did.

Recon Team V-3 awaken in the high desert in Nevada. Their expected Mission is to carry out a recon of eastern Nevada in the ruins of the post-war era. What they run into is a world of steam locomotives, cattle drives, six-shooters, a range war and an Indian uprising. With nothing but their standing general orders to guide them, the Team must find a missing Indian girl and try to keep the peace. It won't be an easy task... This game package contains all the information, maps and systems necessary for the Project Director to run this scenario. This package includes information on new weapons, the Commando Ranger Reconnaissance vehicle, detailed cache contents and more."

2005 ... Joseph F. Benedetto Jr ... 52 pages ... ISBN 0976604310

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Game Masters Package (Personnel)
Many, many 3-hole-punched sheets with data.

"Each sheet includes the Standard Issue Equipment with a Personnel History Form printed on the reverse side.
Also included are additional tables for assisting in character generation and attribute determination."

1980 ... Timeline

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Game Masters Package (Vehicular)
Many, many 3-hole-punched sheets with data.


1980 ... Timeline

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Project Director's Screen (GA-1)
The original edition of GA-1 (1981) was titled "Game Master's Sheild(sic) and Reference Tables."

"The Project Director's Screen has the most important tables and charts for The Morrow Project printed on heavy cardboard. Everything the Project Director needs to run The Morrow Project combat system efficiently and effectively is included on the screen.
Also included in this package are separate sheets with the statistics of the basic weapons of The Morrow Project as well as statistics for other weapons which the Project Director might need. These sheets are three-hole punched in order to allow the Project Director to keep all of his Morrow Project information in a binder.
GA-1 has one 11"x24" Screen and three 8 1/2"x11" inserts printed on heavy cardboard."

1981, 1984

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Personal and Vehicular Basic Loads and Role Playing Expansion (GA-2)
• 22 Personal Basic Loads
• 12 Vehicular Basic Loads
• Character Sheets
• SP/BP Breakdown Tables
• The Morrow Project Role Playing Expansion Booklet

1981 ... H.N. Voss ... Timeline GA-2

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Personal & Vehicular Basic Loads & Hand-to-Hand Combat Supplement (GA-2, 2nd Edition)
"This package contains:
* Improved Hand-to-Hand combat system for The Morrow Project
* Structure Point/Blood Point tables to aid in character generation
* Character sheets
* Personal Basic Loads:
- Loads #1 through #20
- Medics or Doctors
- Medical Assistant
* Vehicular Basic Loads including:
- Air Scout
- ACV "Flying Dutchman"
- Commando Ranger
- Commando Scout
- FAV-Ml74E3
- MARS One
- Science One
- SK-5
- V-150 20mm
- V-150 81mm
- V-150 APC
- V-150 ARV
- V-150 TOW
- XR-311"

199? ... H.N. Voss ... loose-leaf sheets

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Close & Destroy

Close and Destroy: Rules for Modern NATO and Warsaw Pact Forces Miniatures
"Close and Destroy is a miniatures game accurately depicting NATO/Warsaw Pact confrontation on a tactical level. These rules cover armor, infantry, artillery and all aspects of modem ground combat.
Close and Destroy includes both basic and advanced rules. The basic rules are well suited to the novice miniatures gamer, while the advanced rules will satisfy even the most discriminating of experienced players. The basic rules are simple and easy to follow while still maintaining a high degree of accuracy and realism. The advanced rules are challenging, expanding on the basic rules and broadening the detail and realism of the game.
Close and Destroy also embodies a comprehensive presentation of NATO and Warsaw Pact doctrine. Exhaustive listings of weaponry, ranges, vehicles and armor and special capabilities are integral parts of the game. Up-to-date unit organizations for the Soviet/Pact, W. German, U.K. and U.S. forces are also included.
Close and Destroy is a state of the art miniatures game of unprecedented lethality, lightning movement, all on a vast scope. Close and Destroy puts you in command."

1986 ... 64 pages ... Timeline C-1

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Close and Destroy II: Rules for Modern NATO and Warsaw Pact Tactical Air Force Miniatures
"Close and Destroy II picks up where Close and Destroy left off. It provides complete rules for tactical air engagements on the modern battlefield. Ground strikes, SAMs and Anti-air gunfire are described along with tactical air equipment doctrine for both NATO and Warsaw Pact forces.
Also included is the first TimeLine combat scenario along with new equipment, doctrine and background information in the continuation of the most accurate and realistic game system on the market today. Close and Destroy II gives you the tactical air support you've been waiting for."

1989 ... 68 pages ... Timeline C-2

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Time & Time Again

Time & Time Again [BOX SET]
See also Rolling Boxcars blog:
Going Back in Time — Time & Time Again RPG

"In Time & Time Again, you can stand beside Napoleon at Borodino, watch the pyramids being raised, journey down the Mississippi with Sam Clemens, travel with Marco Polo to Far Cathay, join the legions and cross the Rubicon.
The T2 game system features complete rules for character generation and skills with the most realistic combat system, armed and unarmed, ever published. Chapters cover climate, geography, languages, economics, travel, manners and morals, society and culture, technology and more. The physics of Temporal Translation (time travel or T2), are presented in sufficient detail to allow for easy use while preventing paradox. There are maps and charts, character sheets and three complete scenarios. Just add dice, players and imagination! Welcome to the BTA.
This is what you've always wanted to do...
this is the game you've been waiting to play."

1984 ... Timeline ??

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Holy Warriors: A Module of Faith, Intrigue and Death During the Crusades
"In the bloody days of Richard Lionheart...

JOIN UP! And journey to the castle of Assassins in the time of the Crusades. Take ship with a mad Frenchman on a doomed mission to sack the holy city of Mecca. The Voltigeurs of the BTA who take these missions on, must be the best if they are to survive the struggle of Holy Warriors, Timeline's first module for Time & Time Again.
This game package contains all of the information, maps and details the Gamemaster needs to run these two scenarios. In addition, detailed historical information of the Crusades and the Medieval Middle East is given so that the GM can develop his or her own Crusader scenarios. Included are sections on warfare, economics, the history of the Crusades, religion, politics and more. Complete maps of the area (including four city maps), tables detailing costs, time of travel, arms and armour and population are all here for the GM's use.
All the glory, pageantry, hope, despair and savagery of the Crusades are here for Voltigeurs who dare."

1985 ... Bill Hamblin ... 60 pages ... Timeline J-01

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