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Monster Cards ~ Spell/Magic Item/Encounter Cards ~ Screens ~ Character Sheets ~ Player Packs ~ REF Series ~ GR Series ~ Battlesystem

Fighting Wheel: Make quick work of by-the-book AD&D combat (1981)

The Rogues Gallery
"No longer will you the Dungeon Master need to spend precious time laboring over the task of generating non-player characters. This valuable booklet contains hundreds of pre-rolled non-player characters of all classes and types, complete with alignments, sex, personalities and much more. The Rogues Gallery is specially designed to be compatible with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. It will save you time in creating your non-player characters, thus allowing you to pursue the other interesting aspects of your campaign."

1980 ... Brian Blume & Dave Cook & Jean Wells & Erol Otus ... 48 pages ... TSR 9031 ... ISBN 039451548X / 0935696180

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Dungeon Masters Adventure Log

The Dungeon Masters Adventure Log was published three-hole-punched. (and occasionally not).
There were also armor and weapon illustrations on first and last pages, sometimes moved to the center, and sometimes not present at all.

"The Dungeon Masters Adventure Log contains two different sheets... The first type is for recording information about the adventurers, their hit points, armor class, magic items and die roll adjustments. The second provides information on the marching order of the party, the monsters they encounter, treasures they recover, and any unusual events that occur. In addition this book contains many important tables in an easy reference form, including tables for experience point awards, encounter reactions, movement, surprise, listening, and a new table of collected combat modifiers."

1980, 1983 ... 48 pages ... TSR 9036 ... ISBN 0935696350

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Hexagonal Mapping Booklet
"For TSR Role Playing Games...
This book contains approximately 128 pages of 7/32" hex paper printed both sides, usable for games and game campaigns. The hex sheets can be used for any number of purposes: creation of game and campaign maps, mapping during play, movement plotting, and record-keeping."

1981 ... TSR 8007 ... ISBN 0394527410

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Monster Cards

Monster Cards: Set 1
"Monster Cards combine full-color illustrations with vital information on 20 AD&D monsters, including 3 totally new creatures, on handy 3" x 5" cards."

The monsters are depicted in original art not found in other AD&D works, including classic TSR artists such as Erol Otus, Bill Willingham, and Jeff Dee.

A photo reference of the whole collection at our Games Gallery.

The “New” Creatures introduced in the AD&D Monster Cards (1982)

And here are photos of some of my favorite Monster Cards.

Monsters in set: Anhkheg; Barbed Devil; Centaur; Constrictor Snake; Displacer Beast; Frost Giant; Ghoul; Giant Weasel; Grippli; Kobold; Lizard Man; Mihstu; Neo-Otyugh; Red Dragon; Sahuagin; Salamander; Treant; Triceratops; Werewolf; Zorbo.


1982 ... TSR 8009 ... ISBN 0394521722

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Monster Cards: Set 2
"Monster Cards combine full-color illustrations with vital information on 20 AD&D monsters, including 3 totally new creatures, on handy 3" x 5" cards."

Monsters in set: Galeb Duhr; Gelatinous Cube; Giant Scorpion; Goblin; Gold Dragon; Hill Dwarf; Hill Giant; Hippogriff; Ixitxachitl; Land Urchin; Roper; Sabertooth Tiger; Satyr; Spectre; Stone Golem; Thri-Kreen; Troglodyte; Type V Demon; Tyrannosaurus Rex; Umber Hulk.

1982 ... TSR 8010 ... ISBN 039452179X

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Monster Cards: Set 3
"Monster Cards combine full-color illustrations with vital information on 20 AD&D monsters, including 3 totally new creatures, on handy 3" x 5" cards."

Monsters in set: Androsphinx; Blink Dog; Carnivorous Ape; Carrion Crawler; Efreeti; Ettin; Giant Slug; Gnoll; Grey Elf; Jaguar; Locathah; Mummy; Nycadaemon; Peryton; Silver Dragon; Sea Wolf; Sylph; Tunnel Worm; Wemic; Will O'Wisp.

1982 ... TSR 8011 ... ISBN 039452585X

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Monster Cards: Set 4
"Monster Cards combine full-color illustrations with vital information on 20 AD&D monsters, including 3 totally new creatures, on handy 3" x 5" cards."

Monsters in set: Axebeak; Black Dragon; Bombardier Beetle; Bugbear; Direwolf; Gorgon; Halfling; Hippocampus; Hybsil; Korred; Leucrotta; Merman; Obliviax Moss; Rust Monster; Stone Giant; Succubus; Su-Monster; Vampire; Weretiger; Wind Walker.

1982 ... TSR 8012 ... ISBN 0394525868

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Spell/Magic Item/Encounter Cards

Wizard Spell Cards [BOX SET]
"Revolutionize your wizard character's spell book with these incredibly handy reference cards.

The front of each cards lists all of one spell's pertinent statistics, along with easily recognized icons representing the spell's level and school of magic. The back of each card describes the spell's effect in detail.

Every wizard spell from the Player's Handbook and the Tome of Magic is included; over 400 spells in all."

1992 ... 432 cards ... TSR 9356 ... ISBN 1560763647

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Deck of Priest Spells [BOX SET]
"Now the powers granted to your priest character can fit in the palm of your hand, using these convenient reference cards.

The front of each cards lists all of a single spell's game statistics, along with icons that instantly identify the spell's level and its sphere. The back of each card describes the spell's effect in detail.

Every priest spell from the Player's Handbook and the Tome of Magic is included - over 400 spells in all. Also included are some handy reference cards with often-used charts and spell lists for making your priest character's life easier.

Stop carrying around reams of scrolls! Organize and speed up your game play with a Deck of Priest Spells."

1992 ... 432 cards ... TSR 9362 ... ISBN 1560763671

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Deck of Magical Items [BOX SET]
"Wizards, priests, and other characters who carry a small arsenal of magical items can now keep all the operator's instructions within easy reach with these useful reference cards.

The front of each card lists a magical item's game statistics and special icons that quickly identify the item's type and who can use it. On the back of the card, the item is described in detail, eliminating the need to waste precious gaming time combing through books to see how it works. When the character identifies his or her latest find from a treasure hoard, the DM can simply hand over the corresponding card, and the game goes on!

Over 400 magical items from the DUNGEON MASTER Guide and the Tome of Magic are included, plus a few cards that be used to record specialty or original items."

1993 ... 432 cards & 7 dividers ... TSR 9423 ... ISBN 1560765879

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Deck of Encounters: Set One (Dungeon Master Decks)
"The road rounds a bend. A glitter catches your eye. There's something in the ditch, and it looks like gold...

Now —- endless encounters! This is a treasure chest full of over 400 encounters in all kinds of terrain, for AD&D® 2nd Edition game player characters of all levels. Encounters with monsters, traps, and tricks. Encounters requiring brawn and a quick sword. Encounters requiring quick wits, courage, and imagination.

The front of each card details the basics of the encounter —- danger level, terrain, climate, character attributes needed for success, encounter types, and the experience -- point value for rapid reference. Each detail has its own icon, making the task of selecting just the right encounter even easier.

Concentrate on your campaign and leave the encounters to the Deck of Encounters"

1994 ... TSR 9407 ... ISBN 1560766751

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Deck of Encounters: Set Two (Dungeon Master Decks)

1994 ... TSR 9443 ... ISBN 1560768460

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Deck of Psionic Powers (Dungeon Master Decks)
"The powers of the mind add a new dimension to any AD&D campaign. With the Deck of Psionic Powers, psionicists and wild talents alike have easy access to their mental abilities.

This deck features 288 cards, including all of the psionic powers from The Complete Psionic Handbook and two DARK SUN accessories: Dragon Kings and The Will and the Way. Each card contains pertinent statistics and quick-reference details that make it easy to use every power. There is also a complete set of attack and defense mode combat cards to help players and Dungeon Masters alike visualize the incredible world of psionic combat.

Whether your playing a psionicist in a DARK SUN campaign or a wild talent in another AD&D campaign setting, the Deck of Psionic Powers give you a mental edge on the competition."

1994 ... 288 cards + 5 blanks ... TSR 9458 ... ISBN 1560769025

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Dungeon Masters Screen (1st Edition)

Earlier printings (with the first cover style) were published as a 2-panel screen and a 4-panel screen. Later printings went with a 3-panel/3-panel format.

See my reference post:
AD&D 1e Gold DM Screens: A Visual Guide to Printings.


"This second edition of the Dungeon Masters Screen has been redesigned for better clarity and quicker reference. This package consists of two durable, 11" x 25", folding cardstock screens for the DM's reference in playing ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games. One screen contains the Combat and Saving Throw Tables and the other contains the Psionic Combat Tables and miscellaneous information. These screens are useful for shielding maps and other game materials from the players when placed upright, and also provide instant reference to the charts and tables most commonly used during play. The player's side is printed with Experience Tables and the Weapons Table as well as being colorfully illustrated. These folders have been varnished on both sides to protect tham against common wear and tear. This (and only this) screen contains all the official AD&D statistics and tables."

1979, 1981 ... 2 screens ... TSR 9024 ... ISBN 0935696628 / 0394515773

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Dungeon Master's Screen - REF1 (1st Edition, revised)

A new updated screen intended for the re-covered 1st edition books. Cover sheet contains class abilities and prerequisites. -W

"This ALL NEW edition of the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Dungeon Master's Screen has been redesigned. Consisting of two durable cardstock screens, it places all those much used tables at your fingertips. One screen for the DM with all the important combat, weapon and saving throw charts; the second for the Player. You'll find this new edition more useful then ever before!"

1985 ... 2 three-panel screens + cover sheet ... TSR 9146 ... ISBN 0880382244

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Dungeon Master's Screen (2nd edition)
The AD&D 2e DM Screen (1989) had a long run, long enough to have 3 different TSR logos. A deep dive over at my photoblog. Enjoy! -Wayne
AD&D 2e Gold Fighting Dragons DM Screen (1989 – 1994): A Visual Guide to Printings

"This indispensable aid to Dungeon Masters puts all the most important combat and encounter tables at your fingertips! Don't slow down the action by searching for a number; keep them in front of you all the time with this handy screen and reference guide.

Also included is a 16-page adventure, Terrible Trouble at Tragidore. This exciting RPGA tournament adventure is intended for medium-level characters (levels 5-8). It contains advice and tips for novice Dungeon Masters but is suitable for use by all players."

1989 ... Jean and Bruce Rabe ... Three-panel screen + 16-page booklet ... TSR 9263 ... ISBN 0880387475

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DriveThruRPG (PDF)

Dungeon Master Screen & Master Index (2nd Edition, revised)

"This accessory for the AD&D® game includes two six-panel screens containing all the information necessary to quickly and efficiently handle complex encounters. New tables covering gaze attacks, gems, carrying capacity, and other subjects will help any game session run faster and smoother.

One of the screens is filled with information drawn from the PLAYER'S OPTION™ and DUNGEON MASTER® Option rulebooks: Combat & Tactics, Skills & Powers, and High-Level Campaigns.

The 32-page Master Index in this package includes a complete spell index plus a compilation of topic references from the Player's Handbook, DUNGEON MASTER Guide, Tome of Magic, Book of Artifacts, Combat & Tactics, Skills & Powers, and High-Level Campaigns, with each entry keyed to the proper book — everything a DM needs, all in one place!"

1995 ... Jim Butler ... 2 three-panel screens + 32-page booklet ... TSR 9504 ... ISBN 0786903317

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Fighter's Screen
"The Fighter's Screen speeds up game play by taking the most frequently used character-specific information from the AD&D game Player's Handbook and Complete Fighter's Handbook and making it instantly accessible. Now the details players need on the spot to play any warrior class - including fighters, rangers, and paladins - can be right at their fingertips. The screen folds in a neat triangle that sits on the table top in front of players for at-a-glance reference.
Also enclosed are eight additional pages of valuable reference material that can be slipped into character folders. These pages feature an extensive Player's Handbook and Tome of Magic spell and spell-statistics list for rangers and paladins, a complete Master Weapons Chart, and other handy tables and charts."

1994 ... David "Zeb" Cook ... TSR 9457 ... ISBN 1560768320

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Priest's Screen
"The Priest's Screen speeds up game play by taking the most frequently used character-specific information from the AD&D game Player's Handbook and Complete Priest's Handbook and making it instantly accessible. Now the details players need on the spot to play any kind of priest - including clerics and druids - can be right at their fingertips. The screen folds in a neat triangle that sits on the table top in front of players for at-a-glance reference.
Also enclosed are eight additional pages of valuable reference material that can be slipped into character folders. These pages feature an extensive Player's Handbook and Tome of Magic spell and spell-statistics list for clerics, a complete Turning Undead Table, and other handy tables and charts."

1994 ... David "Zeb" Cook ... TSR 9462 ... ISBN 1560768169

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Thief's Screen
"The Thief's Screen speeds up game play by taking the most frequently used character-specific information from the AD&D game Player's Handbook, Complete Thief's Handbook, and Complete Bards's Handbook and making it instantly accessible. Now the details players need on the spot to play any rogue class - including thieves and bards - can be right at their fingertips. The screen folds in a neat triangle that sits on the table top in front of players for at-a-glance reference.
Also enclosed are eight additional pages of valuable reference material that can be slipped into character folders. These pages feature an extensive Player's Handbook and Tome of Magic spell and spell-statistics list for bards characters, and other handy tables and charts."

1994 ... Skip Williams ... TSR 9463 ... ISBN 1560768312

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Wizard's Screen
"The Wizard's Screen speeds up game play by taking the most frequently used character-specific information from the AD&D game Player's Handbook and Complete Wizard's Handbook and making it instantly accessible. Now the details players need on the spot to play any of the wizard classes - including mages, specialist wizards, wild mages, or elementalists - can be right at their fingertips. The screen folds in a neat triangle that sits on the table top in front of players for at-a-glance reference.
Also enclosed are four additional pages of valuable reference material that can be slipped into character folders. These pages feature an extensive Player's Handbook and Tome of Magic spell and spell-statistics list, and other handy tables and charts."

1994 ... Julia Martin ... TSR 9468 ... ISBN 1560768509

DriveThruRPG (PDF)

Character Sheets

Player Character Record Sheets

First purple, then pink covers, with Erol Otus artwork.

The 16 sheets are: Fighter/Ranger/Paladin (5) ~ Cleric/Druid (3) ~ Magic-User/Illusionist (3) ~ Thief/Assassin/Monk (2) ~ Multi-Classed/Bard (3)


"ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS are here! These character records have been especially designed for use with ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ games and contains space for all information commonly used by the player This package contains multiple sheets of each of five different character records, one for each of the major character classes and their attendant subclasses: Fighter, Cleric, Magic-user, and Thief, with a fifth type for multi-classed characters and Bards. What makes these records really special is their format. All listings are organized under specific and easy-to-identify sections, while the most vital and oft-consulted information is boxed with eye-catching, easy-to-find devices to facilitate play. No more searching for that important stat, as it is prominently displayed!

On the front of these records is identification information, followed by sections on abilities, combat and class specialties. On the back are places carefully structured for possessions, wealth and experience, as well as descriptions, friends and background. The sheets leave plenty of space for personal touches too, and each is drilled for safe storage in a three-ring binder. If you like this product you will want to discover AD&D™ PERMANENT CHARACTER FOLDER and AD&D NON-PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS and other quality products from TSR, The Game Wizards."

1979, 1981 ... TSR 9028 ... ISBN 0935696636

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Permanent Character Folder & Adventure Records
Cover art by Erol Otus.

"Look what's here! ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PERMANENT CHARACTER FOLDER and ADVENTURE RECORDS especially designed for use with ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games! These two interlocking products have been designed to eliminate those major problems which commonly plague other character records, space and durability. Organized into a special format, information is grouped together under specific and easy-to-identify sections, while the most vital and oft-consulted information is boxed with eye-catching, easy-to-find displays.
All information which remains constant for a character, as well as sufficient space for record-keeping, are provided for on the durable four pages of the PERMANENT CHARACTER FOLDER, while all the information subject to change during an adventure is recorded on separate ADVENTURE RECORDS. When an adventure is ended the completed record may be stored in the PERMANENT CHARACTER FOLDER to serve as a file on past deeds of glory. If you find this product helpful you will want to look into the AD&D PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS, NON-PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS, and our other quality products and discover why TSR is called, The Game Wizards!"

1979, 1981 ... TSR 9029 ... ISBN 0935696644

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Non-Player Character Records
Most of these came three-hole-punched on both sides. They have 12 double-sided sheets, perforated vertically down the center to create 24 NPC sheets.

"At last, record sheets for non-player characters! ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS NON-PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS are especially designed for ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. No longer will the DM need to worry about lack of continuity or lost records on non-player characters, for these sheets provide the DM with easy-to-store records of the many non-player personalities which populate his or her campaign.

These convenient referee aids contain all information needed to run each non-player character and his, her or its personal background. The sheets have been organized under specific headings and important, oft-consulted information is boxed in eye-catching, easy-to-find displays. These records contain information on the character's abilities, combat skills, description, possessions and background Compact, but complete, their small size provides easy handling and more sheets. If you enjoy this product you will want to discover AD&D PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS and other quality products from TSR, those Game Wizards."

1979, 1981 ... TSR 9030 ... ISBN 0935696652

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Player Character Record Sheets (1st Edition)

Blue cover, with wizard and sullen fighter.

The 16 sheets are: Fighter/Ranger/Paladin (5) ~ Cleric/Druid (3) ~ Magic-User/Illusionist (3) ~ Thief/Assassin/Monk (2) ~ Multi-Classed/Bard (3)


"ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLAYER CHARACTER RECORDS are here! These character records have been especially designed for use with ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games and contains space for all information commonly used by the player. This package contains multiple sheets of each of five different character records, one for each of the major character classes and their attendant subclasses: Fighter, Cleric, Magic-user and Thief, with a fifth type for multiclassed characters and Bards. What makes these records really special is their format. All listings are organized under specific and easy-to-identify sections, while the most vital and oft-consulted information is boxed with eye-catching, easy-to-find devices to facilitate play. No more searching for that important stat, as it is prominently displayed!

On the front of these records is identification information, followed by sections on abilities, combat and class specialties. On the back are places carefully structured for possessions, wealth and experience, as well as descriptions, friends and background. The sheets also leave plenty of space for personal touches too."

1984 ... TSR 9028 ... ISBN 0935696636

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Player Character Record Sheets (REF2) (1st Edition)

I like this REF2 set for 1st edition AD&D. The character sheets are pretty good; simple. Lots of space for character background (for one sheet anyway) for you serious RPers.

Where the 1986 edition of REF2 shines is the great collection of "spell planners" -- Very, very handy summary sheets of all AD&D Magic-user, Cleric, and Druid spells... and Shukenja & Wu Jen spells from Oriental Adventures... All spells, with their numbers (range, diameter, duration, etc.) boiled down into one-line stat blocks, taking the headache out of playing your spellcaster.

I once attempted to do this before, but gave up. And here it is, all done.

"Throw away those scraps of paper and become organized as never before! This ALL NEW edition of the ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Player Character Records has been completely revised. The AD&D game has grown, matured and changed over the years. Now your character sheet can keep up to date with the game. These NEW Character Records are now compatible for use with UNEARTHED ARCANA and ORIENTAL ADVENTURES.

On the front of these records are sections for all the information most often used during play and combat. On the back are places for records, possessions and personal backgrounds. In addition, sets of Spellbook Planner Sheets have been included for Magic Users, Illusionists, Clerics, Druids, Shukenja and Wu Jen, as well as Cantrips. These Planner Sheets recap all the vital spell statistics in easy to use form."

1986 ... TSR 9028 ... ISBN 0880380470

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Character Record Sheets (REF2, 2nd ed.)
The earlier printing - with the white-bordered cover - was printed in 1989. The black-bordered reprint was released in the early 90s in conjunction with the revised 2nd edition books. The sheets are identical.

TSR was very unhelpful in recycling the REF2 and 9264 product codes, along with the ISBN, so sellers will often unknowingly list incorrect editions. Be aware.

"What weapon would you choose when you have to fight a 100-foot dragon? What are your chances of falling off that cliff and breaking your neck? Do you still have that certain magical potion or did your character drink it last week?
These questions, and many more, can be answered when you fill out your all new AD&D 2nd Edition Character Record Sheet. Record your character's ability scores, possessions, background, and much, much more!
And the new record sheets are formatted more clearly than ever for faster, more spontaneous role-playing fun!"

1989 ... TSR 9264 ... ISBN 0880387521

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Player Packs

Images with white background courtesy of Steve Miller

Fighter's Player Pack
"You've found the ideal all-in-one playing aid for your favorite game with the AD&D Game Fighter's Player Pack. Inside your Player Pack is the information you need to play your chosen class of character - the fighter - with skill and finesse, and a gathering of playing aids selected by TSR game designers as the items both experienced and beginning gamers find most useful. Look at everything you get:
• Fighter Character Record Sheets
• Eight-page booklet of valuable information about role-playing fighter characters, includes a miniature painting guide
• Complete set of seven polyhedral dice, including true percentile dice
• Four types of mapping paper
• Three 25mm lead-free metal player character miniatures - fighter, paladin, ranger
• Fighter's Screen providing immediate access to the information from the Player's Handbook that you use most frequently while playing your character
• Rugged plastic carrying case
• Game stickers and pencil
• Multicompartment storage tray and lid
. . . Plus, room to carry, store, and organize the AD&D rulebooks and other gaming materials you own!"

1994 ... TSR 1112 ... ISBN 0786900393

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Wizard's Player Pack

1994 ... TSR 1113 ... ISBN 0786900407

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Priest's Player Pack
* Plastic carrying case
* Game stickers and pencil
* Priest's Screen
* Three 25mm figures: male & female priests and a druid.
* Priest character record sheets
* Beginner's Guide to the Priest (8 pages)
* 7 dice

1994 ... TSR 1114 ... ISBN 0786900415

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Thief's Player Pack

1994 ... TSR 1115 ... ISBN 0786900423

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REF Series

The Book of Lairs (REF3)
"DMs, how many times have you told your players, "Well, you walked for five days, saw some trees and a few animals, and now you are at the dungeon"? You would like to create more challenging encounters, but who has the time to develop all those mini-adventures that make journeys so exciting?
With The Book of Lairs, TSR Inc. proudly presents the first in a series of ground-breaking AD&D accessories. This book contains over 60 fully developed adventures that can be easily inserted into any DM's campaign. These intriguing and innovative encounters are ready to play and will challenge player characters of all levels. No longer do you have to spend endless hours devising clever lairs and traps for monsters to spring on your PCs. Why make your players wait while you thumb through books and roll dice trying to scare up a random encounter? Here are ready-made adventures available instantly for almost any terrain and party level.
These adventures can be inserted into your campaign at any time and are adaptable to almost any situation. Rather than introduce new monsters, The Book of Lairs presents a number of familiar monsters in unique settings to provide your players with unexpected dangers and thrills. Unusual beings are also spotlighted to bring variety and mystery back to your campaign. DMs are sure to find The Book of Lairs convenient, innovative, and ultimately invaluable!"

1986 ... James M. Ward & Mike Breault & Clyde Caldwell (cover) ... 96 pages ... TSR 9177 ... ISBN 0880383194

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The Book of Lairs (REF3) is perfect for those times when -- as a DM -- you're having "writer's block." Here's an example of what I did with just one of the encounters from the book, "Drow." What follows is an "after-action" report I wrote for my players, so the details of the adventure wouldn't be forgotten with time.

(6/2/03) "Festan answered the summons from the Archdruid Kyelmann immediately. Ardeep Forest, close to Waterdeep, is a de facto druid embassy to the city-state. Ideally, conflicts from both sides can be resolved peacefully, and Kyelmann has negotiated most of those agreements.

Kyelmann, an old but vigorous man with snow-white hair and beard, greeted Festan formally. This was not their first meeting. The two sized each other up once again, for one day the ambitious and able younger druid would surely challenge Kyelmann for the Archdruid position. The outcome of that contest was far from certain.

The assignment: Investigate the source of recent Drow elf raids in The High Forest, south of the Star Mounts. Drow kill indiscriminately, and are as disruptive as settlers hacking down the forest. Kyelmann also had a “gift” for Festan, an elf warrior, Evana Vega, who ended up being a welcome addition to the party. Since the loss of Boutros the Half-Ogre, the party had been missing an extra sword.

The party gathered at the Yawning Portal, their favorite watering-hole in the city. The remnants of a badly savaged adventuring group emerged from Undermountain during their meeting, but they shrugged off the bad omen.

The party:
· Festan, druid
· Stalith, fighter
· Kavitt, mage
· Thoumann, bard
· Evana, fighter
· Druwēzza, fighter/thief

The party embarked by barge from Illefarn up the Unicorn Run. The trip was slow and peaceful, save for Orc bandits attacking from cliffs overlooking the river. The assault was quickly broken, the orc survivors scattering.

After proceeding up the River Shining, the party began searching the southern reaches of the High Forest for several days, before finding clues of Drow raiders. The only significant encounter was an extremely large brown bear, angry because Thoumann thought her cubs were cute.

Festan, in reptile form, investigated a set of featureless metal doors behind a bramble thicket. Despite threats and pleas from the talking doors, traps galore, and the failure of the party’s strongest warriors, the doors were finally forced open (by Thoumann the bard). Inside was a wide hallway, and dark. The party didn’t realize how high the hall reached, and was attacked by the guardian, Bilastrinix, a Drow elf fighter/magic-user. He was levitating above, casting magic, and firing crossbow bolts with a sleep poison. It was a difficult and frustrating encounter for both sides, with much magic hurled, only to be repelled by the Drow’s magic resistance. Several party members were virtually impotent, lacking an effective attack. Evana finally ended the battle, using her magic items to climb the wall, and leaping onto the levitating elf. A vicious one-on-one fight left the Drow dead, and Evana plummeting to the ground.

As the dust settled, and the party was taking count of the situation, Druwēzza’s mother Qilué Veladorn – one of the legendary Seven Sisters – arrived. Being Drow, this caused the party a few moments of consternation. But she only came to seal off the passage, to deny the Underdark Drow this access to the surface.

Kyelmann was extremely pleased, and received the whole party. The Drow threat was not only identified, but also neutralized."

The Book of Lairs II (REF4)
"This is the second in a series of ground-breaking AD&D accessories. Within these pages are nearly 70 fully developed adventures that can be inserted into any campaign. They are ready-to-play challenges for all levels of characters. DMs need not spend long hours creating diversions for their players - we've done it for you.
If you have The Book of Lairs, you already know what you'll find herein. These mini- adventures are arranged by terrain type (city, desert, hills, mountains, forest, etc.), with monsters in alphabetical order for easy access. At the back of the book is a combined monsters statistics table, showing all the neccessary figures at a glance.
These are familiar monsters (like the gnome, brownie, and ettin) and not so familiar ones (like the bakemono and tengu), from both original AD&D sources and the Oriental Adventures book. Some of these mini-adventures are mere diversions; others can turn into minor campaigns! In any case, DMs and players alike are sure to be pleased with The Book of Lairs II."

1987 ... 96 pages ... TSR 9198 ... ISBN 0880383968

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Rogues' Gallery (REF6)
"They say that it's hard to find good help these days, but no DUNGEON MASTER will ever have a problem as long as he can draw upon the Rogues' Gallery. Look within and you'll find all manner of non player-character warriors, wizards, priests, and rogues with all their class variations, fully developed and ready to drop into any AD&D campaign. Each of the characters is detailed in the standard, convenient Monstrous Compendium format - including an illustration - with a biography including his or her favorite combat tactics, regular hang-outs, likely cohorts, and much more.

NPCs have lives too; give them more than just a number when they next meet and challenge your adventuring party! Visit the Rogues' Gallery and hire some good help."

1992 ... Thomas Prusa & Walter Baas & Jack Barker ... 96 loose-leaf pages ... TSR 9380 ... ISBN 1560763779

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GR Series

Strongholds (GR1)
My photoblog has a deep-dive into these first two building sets:
Strongholds & Dungeons of Mystery (1992): Folding Buildings Kick Off the GR-series

"Add a new dimension to your role-playing or miniature gaming - the third dimension! This box contains 30 sheets of colorful fold-up buildings. Assembly is simple because all the pieces are die-cut and pre-scored; all you need is glue. Also included are three full-color, two-sided mapsheets showing street layouts, plus a 16-page booklet describing how to assemble the buildings and how to modify and reassemble them in new and unusual ways.

The pieces in this box are drawn from previous TSR publications, including Castles, Falconmaster, Flames of the Falcon, and the original Cities of Mystery set."

1992 ... 16 pages + 3 poster maps + 30 sheets of punch-outs ... TSR 9353 ... ISBN 1560763612

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Dungeons of Mystery (GR2)
"Dungeon building has just become easier!

This box contains 24 sheets of fold-up dungeon rooms, compatible with any role-playing game or miniatures scenario. More than 40 predesigned rooms and many cardboard and paper decorations for adding a personalized touch to the rooms are inside this box. Assembly is simple because the pieces are diecut and prescored; only glue is needed. Also included are three two-sided color mapsheets with dungeon layouts and underground terrains to situate the dungeon rooms.

In addition, a 64-page booklet contains instructions for building and using the fold-ups, plus numerous tips on dungeon design. Dungeons of Mystery describes how to create realistic and exciting dungeons and provides the tools to make the dungeon come alive. The booklet also holds sample adventures, new magic, and new monsters.

Dungeons of Mystery is fully compatible with Cities of Mystery, Castles, Strongholds, and other TSR, Inc. three-dimensional products."

1992 ... Tim Beach & Dennis Kauth ... 64 pages + 3 poster maps + 24 pages of punch-outs ... TSR 9365 ... ISBN 156076368X

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Treasure Maps (GR3)
"Hunt for lost gold, powerful magic items, and even greater treasure!

Treasure Maps contains 16 seperate adventures that will take player characters from mountaintops to the ocean depths. The player characters can find treasure drowned in deep water, watch the stars for omens, rescue a kidnapped prince, search for a lost mine, visit a very strange restaurant, or explore the sky-temple of a forgotten deity. But beware! The greater the treasure-hoard, the greater the danger from its guardians.

Each adventure comes with two beautifully rendered full-color maps, one for the players and one for the DUNGEON MASTER. Also provided are rumors associated with each map and encounter notes for the DM. These adventures are adaptable for play in any AD&D game world, either as a brief encounter or as the start of a full-fledged campaign. The DM can also use any of the 32 full-color maps to create adventures of his or her own."

32 loose pages, numbered on reverse side of pages, up to 64. It's easy to see if sheets are missing.

1992 ... Slade Henson ... TSR 9377 ... ISBN 1560763752

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Treasure Chest (GR4)
"Treasure Chest contains 16 seperate adventures that will lead player characters across oceans, through trackless forests, and into desert wastes. Great perils and greater rewards can lurk anywhere. An adventure might present itself while player characters study a dusty puzzle box, find the lonely grave of a fellow hero, read arcane lore, or even gather the loot from a successful expedition. One adventure leads to another.

Each adventure comes with two beautifully rendered color illustrations, one for the players and one for the DUNGEON MASTER, that provide the clues that get the action started. Also provided are rumors and folklore associated with each adventure. These adventures are adaptable for play in any AD&D game world, either as brief encounters or the beginnings of epic quests. The DM can also use any of the 32 full-color illustrations to create adventures of his or her own."

1994 ... Skip Williams ... 32 loose pages ... TSR 9426 ... ISBN 1560768134

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Treasure Tales

"Treasure Tales is a package of 16 separate adventures that will test player characters of all experience levels. Lured by thrilling tales of treasure and powerful magic, courageous PCs will find themselves exploring the ancient crypt of a cunning vampire, sailing the high seas in search of a fierce pirate, and traveling through the planes on a dangerous quest — to name just a few of the challenges that await.
Each of the adventures contains two full-color reference aids, one for the players and one for the Dungeon Master. These beautifully rendered illustrations, diagrams, and maps have been specially designed as handouts to speed up game play. In addition, a list of folklore and rumors is provided to get each story rolling. These adventures can be easily dropped into any campaign world as brief interludes, or they can be expanded by the DM into epic quests that will provide weeks of fun for the entire group."

1996 ... Loren Coleman ... 64 pages ... TSR 9518 ... ISBN 0786903899

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Battlesystem Fantasy Combat Supplement [BOX SET]
* Rulebook (blue, 1019XXX1932, 32 pages)
* Scenario book (1019XXX2001, 24 pages)
* "The Art of Three-Dimensional Gaming: An Introduction to Tabletop Miniatures," by Steve Winter (1019XXX1933, 16 pages)
* 2 Player Aid Cards (1019XXX0501)
* Army Roster Sheets booklet (1019XXX5101)
* 3-D ADVENTURE FOLD-UP Figures: Building/siege engine sheets (1019XXX1401 through 1405)
* 801 die-cut counters (1019XXX1201 through 1204)
* 2 Metal Miniature Generals

See my deep-dive into this set:
BATTLESYSTEM (1985): A Collector’s Guide to the mass combat rules for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons


"An exciting new direction for AD&D and D&D games!
Create fantastic armies with miniature figures or die-cut counters and fight incredible battles against the forces of evil!
The BATTLESYSTEM game is fully compatible with any official AD&D or D&D game spell, monster, or plane of existance - now matter how obscure! You can create you own battles or play the exciting scenarios - including an epic DRAGONLANCE adventure battle!
The BATTLESYSTEM game uses an innovative mass combat systen and allows use of field artillery, flying, magic, invisibility, and illusion! AD&D and D&D characters can earn experience points by commanding armies or fight as individual heroes!
Lead your armies into the ultimate fantasy war with the BATTLESYSTEM Fantasy Combat Supplement!"

1985 ... TSR 1019 ... ISBN 088038770X

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Battlesystem: Miniatures Rules
In a fit of laziness, TSR gave this book the same ISBN as the 1985 Battlesystem red box set. As a result -- since Amazon identifies books primarily by their ISBN -- this listing will be both items mixed together. Contact the seller if necessary to confirm which one they are selling.


"This book, a full-scale revision and expansion of the rules in the original BATTLESYSTEM Fantasy Combat Supplement, gives you all the information you need to set up and play battles with miniature figures. These rules can be used without the AD8J3® game books, but you can also convert characters and creatures from an AD8JD game campaign and use them in BATTLESYSTEM scenarios. Lavishly illustrated in full color, this book is an attractive addition to any gaming library."

1989 ... Douglas Niles ... 128 pages ... TSR 9266 ... ISBN 088038770X

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Noble Knight | DriveThruRPG (PDF)

Battlesystem Skirmishes Miniatures Rules
"Everyone can enjoy miniatures gaming with these fast-paced, exciting fantasy combat rules. Each miniature represents one hero, wizard, soldier, or monster. Create exciting battles using any number and assortment of figures. The rules are compatible with the AD&D game, so your player character can be converted in minutes without complicated formulas. Magical items and spells are covered in detail. Also included is a complete, illustrated guide to painting miniatures."

1991 ... 128 pages ... TSR 9335 ... ISBN 1560761415

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Noble Knight | DriveThruRPG (PDF)

Wizards of the Coast owns (and holds trademark to) the AD&D game in all forms.

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