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Forgotten Realms Modules: Bloodstone (AD&D)

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Bloodstone Pass (H1)
See my deep-dive into this set:
BATTLESYSTEM (1985): A Collector’s Guide to the mass combat rules for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

"The first BATTLESYSTEM Supermodule from TSR, Inc!

The tiny village of Bloodstone Pass is menaced by an army of thousands of brigands -- orcs, goblins, giants, and human renegades led by a powerful assassin. Outnumbered and helpless, the villagers must pay tribute in gold, food... slaves.

Two villagers have travelled far to find aid for their people. They have turned to you, brave and powerful adventurers, as their only hope. They cannot afford to pay more than a few silver pieces a day, but their need is great.

You are invited to save the people of Bloodstone Pass. Can you organize a defense, train and equip the peasants, recruit allies, gather intelligence... and win the war?
BLOODSTONE PASS is an exciting good-aligned, high-level (15+) adventure that combines roleplaying with the thrill of mass combat. A complete 3-D ADVENTURE FOLD-UP village makes the battle come alive!"

Contains: 32-page book, 24-page book, 104 die-cut counters (1 half-sheet: 9122XXX1201), 12 3-D fold-up sheets

Counters have a reddish-tinted print (the original Battlesystem counters have a brown-tint print).
15 orc
12 zombie
51 human
26 peasant


1985 ... Douglas Niles & Michael Dobson ... TSR 9122 ... ISBN 0394548566 / 0880381221

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Noble Knight | DriveThruRPG (PDF)

The Mines of Bloodstone (H2)
"The most deadly dungeon ever devised! High-level characters brave the unexplored corridors of Deepearth to confront perhaps the most feared adversary in the AD&D game.

The second chapter of the Bloodstone Pass saga follows the conclusion of the desperate war against the bandit army. A cold and bitter winter drives the villagers to the edge of starvation, and numerous horrors strike the town of Bloodstone Pass.
Join the adventure as the heroes explore the depths of the ancient bloodstone mines, now inhabited by fearsome demons. There they hope to uncover the fantastic treasures rumored to exist in the unknown darkness. But deep within the mines, all is not what it seems...

This module uses the new rules from the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide and Wilderness Survival Guide. The adventure also includes optional BATTLESYSTEM scenarios fought entirely underground. These supplementary products are not required to play the adventure, however."

1986 ... Michael Dobson & Douglas Niles ... 48 pages + detachable B&W centerfold map + 3-panel cover ... TSR 9168 ... ISBN 0880383127

Check Wayne's Books Inventory

Noble Knight | DriveThruRPG (PDF / reprint)

The Bloodstone Wars (H3)
"What strange role does Orcus, Prince of the Undead, play in the invasion of the peace-loving Damara? And what interest does the Grandfather of Assassins have in the tiny barony of Bloodstone Pass?

With this adventure, your player characters inherit an entire barony -- with a recently-reopened mine that produces immense wealth. Wealth enough to attract the dangerous attention of their neighbors... wealth enough to attract the attention of the Witch-King of Vassa... and Orcus himself!

Now, your tiny barony is the pivotal point in a war that threatens to engulf the entire Forgotten Realms. Take command, and defend yourself against the encroachment of the evil, demonic forces of the nightmare realm of Vassa.

A large, four-color map of the region makes your new realm come alive. Wild and wooly BATTLESYSTEM scenarios (with options if you're not into miniatures) give you the full range of battlefield excitement!

Come learn why high-level AD&D game play can be much more than just monster bashing. The Army of Bloodstone wants you!"

1987 ... Michael Dobson & Douglas Niles & Ed Greenwood ... 32 pages + fold-out map ... TSR 9200 ... ISBN 0880383984

Check Wayne's Books Inventory

Noble Knight | DriveThruRPG (PDF / Reprint)

The Throne of Bloodstone (H4)
"The battle between the mighty undead army of the Witch-King of Vaasa and the forces of Bloodstone has come to a standstill. As long as the source of the Witch-King's power is at work, his evil forces will never be defeated!

As the rulers of Bloodstone Pass, it is up to you to find and destroy the source of Vaasa's power. All you have to do is journey to the Abyss, confront the mightiest demon of all, steal the Wand of Orcus, and take it to the Seven Heavens to be destroyed.

The Throne of Bloodstone is the fourth and final installment in a series of modules specially designed for high-level characters. While it is not necessary to have played any of the three previous modules, The Throne of Bloodstone is the climax of an epic struggle for a kingdom against the forces of darkest evil. Recommended for characters of levels 18-100, The Throne of Bloodstone is the highest-level adventure ever published by TSR!"

"How do you challenge the most powerful adventurers of all time? With the greatest adventure of them all! This HUGE module will take your demigod-like PCs (levels 18-100!) on their ultimate quest - to destroy the power of demons over the worlds of mortals, by stealing the Wand of Orcus from the covetous clutches of its owner! On their way to confront the Prince of the Undead, they'll quest across a nightmare spectacle of the Abyss, slice by slice... from the cities of the dead to the endless jungles of Demogorgon, there to strike an horrific bargain; your PCs will face more monstrosities and demon lords than they ever knew existed! But, the most wonderful thing of all about this epic module is that it's not just about fighting; your heroes must prove themselves as puzzle solvers, diplomats, and roleplayers as well, delving their way to the ultimate challenge. The Throne of Bloodstone - the perfect way to end a classic campaign!" ...from Amazon reviewer "darkseraphim"

1988 ... Douglas Niles & Michael Dobson ... 96 pages + fold-out map ... TSR 9228 ... ISBN 088038560X

Check Wayne's Books Inventory

Noble Knight | DriveThruRPG (PDF / reprint)

The Bloodstone Lands (FR9)
"Setting for the Icewind Dales trilogy of novels (The Crystal Shard, Streams of Silver, and the upcoming Halfling's Gem), and the H-series of adventure modules which culminated in a battle with Orcus himself, the Bloodstone Lands are one of the wildest areas of the Forgotten Realms.

In this sourcebook, the author of the Icewind Dales trilogy explores this frozen region. Presented for players and DMs alike are people, places, and events that shaped the Bloodstone Lands - the political movers and shakers who carved their own brand of civilization from rocks and ice. In addition to this insider information, there are 10 new adventure scenario suggestions for all levels of play, from beginner to advanced, allowing campaigning in the Bloodstone Lands to continue long after exploring the mines and conquering Orcus.

Prepare then to enter the barbaric kingdoms of Vaasa and Damara - the Bloodstone Lands."

1989 ... R.A. Salvatore ... 64 pages + fold-out map ... TSR 9267 ... ISBN 0880387718

See the rest of the FR Series.

Check Wayne's Books Inventory

Noble Knight | DriveThruRPG (PDF)

Wizards of the Coast owns (and holds trademark to) the AD&D game and the Forgotten Realms in all forms.

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