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Print Media | Prequels | Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | Season 5When Babylon 5 aired on TV, it broke all the Rules:
- "Sci-Fi has no viewership base. There's only room for one Sci-Fi series: Star Trek."
- "You can't have good special effects on a budget that's a small fraction of "Star Trek" funding."
- "Viewers don't have the patience for episodes linked into a continuous storyline."
- "Declaring a 5-year story arc is suicide. The show would have no future. It's better to run it until people quit watching the show."
- "You must have cute kids and robots to appeal to younger viewers."
- "Don't 'mess around' with the characters, or have complicated storylines. You'll alienate the casual viewer."
It was time for the paradigm to be redefined...

Babylon 5 plays like a sci-fi novel: Episodes are linked sequentially, over a span of 5 years. Though there are stand-alone episodes, most have a definite place in the overall story.
The show is filmed for adults. Some themes of sex, violence, and horror could be disturbing for children. Also, Babylon 5 is not intended for the casual viewer. Watching the occasional episode would be like reading chapters 3, 9, and 13 of a sci-fi novel; it would make little sense!
Below, I have links to the excellent Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5.Introduction to Babylon 5 | Setting | The Station

Babylon 5 Accessories Between the Candle and the Star: The 1999 Babylon 5 Calendar
Limited Edition: Only 25,000 Serialized Calendars Produced. Two Exclusive Collector Prints inside.
A 1999 calendar can be reused in 2021 and 2027. -W1999 ... Antioch Calendars ... ISBN 0782447872 Check Wayne's Books Inventory
Buy at Amazon

Babylon 5: The Price of Peace (DC Comics Graphic Novel)
"In this collection are some of the untold tales of the BABYLON 5 saga. Learn of how Jeffrey Sinclair - BABYLON 5's first commander - became Earth's ambassador to the planet Minbar in a stirring story co-written by series creator J. Michael Straczynski. Also, experience first-hand the public face used by the enigmatic Psi Corps."1998 ... 126 pages ... ISBN 156389467X Buy at Amazon

See also: Babylon 5 paperback fiction series

Micro Machines Babylon 5 Micro Machines Set 1
SET INCUDES: Babylon 5 Space Station • Vorlon Transport • Green Ship1994 ... Galoob 65620 ... UPC 047246656219 Buy at Amazon

Babylon 5 Micro Machines Set 2
SET INCUDES: Vorlon Cruiser • Raider Ship • Narn TransportBuy at Amazon

Warner Bros. holds copyright © and trademark TM 1992-1998 to "Babylon 5," the Babylon 5 logo, and all publicity photos and images from the series.
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